If you remember from my first post, I spoke of an article (list, more like) of 36 things to do before you settle down. This was written at the beginning of my adventure, and I had already marked off a good amount of these things. Now, 6 months later, and about 3 months left to go, I figured I'd look into it again and see what else I can mark off from the time I have been here.
To Build Your Confidence...
2. Lift weights. Easy.
7. Go to a scary doctor's appointment by yourself. I didn't think about this one before, but I've actually already done this after getting in a wreck by myself in Florida.
9. Fly to a foreign country by yourself. Done this a couple times over by now.
To Get Perspective...
17. Be a good wingwoman. (Jordan :))
To Make the Most of Your Free Time...
28. Throw Yourself into something time-consuming, like learning a foreign language. Well, learning a foreign language I have definitely done here, as well as starting a few other things, like learning Piano.
Ok, so I haven't been able to check off a lot more, but I'm also not exactly looking at this list and trying to check things off. In fact, I don't think I've looked at it since I wrote the first blog. It's more just of a checkpoint to look at every few months to see what I've done and maybe get ideas for new things to do. Also, a lot of the things on this list I can't do until I get back to the states, like "get my finances in order". No way that one is happening while I'm over here. I'm more working on a list of my own of things I want to do here, places I want to go, etc. Maybe I'll share that at the end.
Actually, writing this blog has made me realize I might have a list problem. Maybe I should try to limit the amount of lists I make. If I decide to do that, though, then it will go on my "2012 Goals" list. Which would prove my point. And speaking of lists, Evernote is my new best friend. Seriously, if you like lists, and don't have Evernote or have never heard of it, download it now. It's like Christmas. I think I have about 12 different lists going on right now in Evernote. They even have little check boxes so you can actually check them off! How awesome is that? I feel so productive every time I check one of the boxes. Sometimes I just add things on there so that I can check a box. That's sad, isn't it? Maybe I really do have a problem. I was half-joking before. But nope, I'm definitely an over-lister. I guess I could be worse things.
Anyways, off track again... that is my update on this particular list. Now I'm off to go make a grocery list for tomorrow.
Merry list-making, my fellow over-listers.
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